Site News
Pet Update! 1/2
Posted 5 September 2022, 00:01:47 UTC :: Last edited 5 September 2022, 00:01:47 UTC by CryptickoiPet Update Part 1/2 : Beta 1.1
Morning everyone (from Australia!). I am excited to finally announce the pet update I have been working on and planning for a few months now. This is part 1 of 2 as the second half revolves around collecting+badges for pets, so that may be slowly added instead of one big content push. In the last year or so since pets were added, we have received a lot of feedback from our community about pets; what new ones people would love to see, players' favourites from each set and which species their character is drawn to. We honestly didn't expect pet's to be as beloved as they are, so now we are focusing on exploring more detailed ways to collect, draw, create and find pets. With this update comes more interaction with pets, customizability, a higher focus on new pet sets and much more! So lets get into the changes -
Pets on Profile
Pets are now added to your character's profile for all to see! You can set their name, a background of your choice (base card for each species when added), a temperament, a place for your badges, and much more coming! This will allow each pet to truly be unique, and to show off your achievements. This section is maxed at 15 pets per character (for now). You can obtain temperament influencer and cards in the Pet Store to customize your pets. Your badges and more are explained here
Self Discovery Quest
A new quest is available on the self-discovery page for your character's pets! You can read more about it here -
AC/XP Buffs and Art Changes
Pets now have a buff for Ac/Xp gain, found on the calculator. This varies on the complexity and distance the pet is from the FOV. Detailed AC tier is usually given for pets in artworks solely focused on them. This means you can now submit artworks of your pet without needing a main species in the image!
New Pets
Observant players and Patreon supporters may have noticed a few new pets slip into the catalog during this update! We now have a few "complete" sets in preparation for collection badges. Complete sets at least need 3C 3UC 2R 1UR 1E. More will be on their way! Patreon supporters have first glance and influence on possible pet additions and colours.
And of course, I want to thank you all for supporting Elyxium. We hope this update inspires you to explore relationships between your characters and their pets, to find a set you'd like to complete for pet badges or even a themed pet collection for your character! The way you choose to interact with this update is up to you!
Update Post - August
Posted 15 August 2022, 09:21:43 UTC :: Last edited 15 August 2022, 09:21:43 UTC by CryptickoiHope you all are doing well! Decided it is best to make a news post for a bunch of small updates for those who are not in the Discord group and to explain changes and upcoming additions. None of these updates are game-changing, but you may be interested in the new content added (and coming!).
First off I would love to thank everyone for their involvement in the Artfight event! It got quite hectic near the close date, so we apologize for the lateness of approvals. Congrats to the following user for winning the AF 2022 design raffle. Your design will be uploaded shortly.
New Items
We have a bunch of new items for the store rotation, and a new item that can be purchased in the Treasury.
Species Update
Lurkers now have updated art and anatomy, as well as two new official bases to use for your designs. You can find these bases at the bottom of the page and are only available in transparent PNG format.
Trait Update
This is a small notice that the "Mineral Growth" item no longer supports non- gem/metal composites such as wax, bone etc. Any characters with substances that do not align with the updated trait can keep their appearance until the trait is removed or the Character is reborn. You can view in-depth trait details here.
Future Updates
Now that our character relationships panel is fully functional, we will be slowly adding in the other panels. This may affect the mechanics of some prompts, however, anything with a large rework will be posted in News Updates. Small updates will still be notified in the Discord. Also look out for Random Encounter Quests, as they will begin to pop up when your forage in some areas! This will also be announced on Discord.
Mini Event: Create a Pet
Posted 31 July 2022, 10:21:03 UTC :: Last edited 31 July 2022, 10:21:03 UTC by CryptickoiArtfight Event
Posted 29 June 2022, 14:47:46 UTC :: Last edited 29 June 2022, 14:47:46 UTC by CryptickoiArtfight Event Announcement

We welcome you to take part in our 2022 Artfight themed event! Users who do not participate in AF can still enter and earn rewards by creating gift art this year. Feel free to look over the guideline and rules to familiarize yourself before the event opens on July 1st. We have a channel in Discord for Artfight profiles, otherwise, the tag function on AF will also offer results!
Due to this event usually being rather busy for our mods we will not be hosting a Monthly Prompt for July. Quests may still appear, so keep an eye out or join our @Quest/Task ping on Discord.
Above all else, we hope you enjoy this event and have fun taking part in the spirit of sharing art with friends and strangers alike!
Foraging Guide Addition
Posted 19 June 2022, 14:15:44 UTC :: Last edited 19 June 2022, 14:15:44 UTC by CryptickoiHello! Hope you are all doing well!
This is a small announcement that we have added a new equipment piece to the General Store that is compatible with foraging. It is still in its early stages of implementation, so changes in how it works and store limits may change with player feedback. Essentially this new item will remove some of the grind from foraging submissions at the expense of stamina and AC/XP. This is a new concept for prompts, so if you want to see more implementations like this item, feel free to discuss in the #Elyxium-Chat!
We also have a new activity coming soon! So keep an eye out <3
Unusual Symptoms Reward
Posted 17 June 2022, 10:09:45 UTC :: Last edited 17 June 2022, 10:09:45 UTC by CryptickoiIf you have completed this quest, feel free to place a claim with a link to your approved entry and we will credit you with the new item!
If you would like to read about this new item in the meantime, feel free to check out the links below.
The Stoneskin Curse of the Gemini Fields
Ancient Cursed Gemstone
Easter Event
Posted 4 April 2022, 13:11:10 UTC :: Last edited 4 April 2022, 13:11:10 UTC by Cryptickoi2022 Skyre Event is Live
Posted 28 February 2022, 13:06:18 UTC :: Last edited 28 February 2022, 13:06:18 UTC by CryptickoiHaunted Eve Event!
Posted 3 October 2021, 17:01:59 UTC :: Last edited 3 October 2021, 17:01:59 UTC by CryptickoiThe Haunted Eve Event is Live!
Our Halloween event is now live for submissions. We will be adding themed items to the store during the month, so keep an eye out for anything new.
We have a Candy Trading channel in our Discord exclusively for seeking candies to complete your recipes, so be sure to check it out!
Below is the event page, if you have any questions or need further clarification, be sure to ask in the discord or message a moderator.
Good luck trick n' treating, we can't wait to see your spooky submissions!
Limited Time Foraging!
Posted 18 September 2021, 14:16:58 UTC :: Last edited 18 September 2021, 14:16:58 UTC by CryptickoiA New foraging Area has been Unlocked for Halloween!
Don't miss out on exclusive items and pets such as Jack's Head, Wevewolf's Scratch, Old Photograph, Scarecrows Curse, and the new pet, Booshees!
This is not considered our Halloween Event, so make sure to keep an eye out for more Halloween-related festivities in the months to come!