AC/XP Calculator
Companions earn full amount.
Every character earns a Base, Shading and Frame amount. Backgrounds should be once (1) per artwork.
Please refer to this form to fill out all the important details for your prompt submissions!
AC/XP Earnings: (Your working out)
Secondary Prompt: (Self Discovery/Pet Gems etc that may be completed alongside main events.)
Companion: If applicable - Claiming Bond Points
Bonuses: If applicable (Specialty badges, event bonuses)
Foraging: If applicable - attached items, equipment, energy loss
To view specifications, go here.
Some artwork do not earn other tiers. These are marked with a *. Adjustable rewards are marked with an (a).
To view frame specifications, go to the artwork section here.
Percentage shows which tier would apply to your drawing. If parts are obscured, they may apply for the percentage showing. Character's with multiple heads can earn a headshot frame bonus.
To view shading specifications, go to the artwork section here.
To view specifications, go here.
If backgrounds do not cover the complete page they may be subject to a reduction.
To view specifications, go here.
Pets are subject to adjustment based on added detail, frame or lack of shading. Pet personalization is ok! Pet must be recognisable to it's rarity/coat.
To view specifications, go here.
Visual afflictions need to be in the character's affliction tab (1 bonus max per character). Should clearly show use of the power through graphical elements, etc using ice powers, not always present/cosmetic afflictions. Add this bonus if unsure and a mod will check!
Links needed tiers need the character's profile added to confirm bonuses.
Gift Art applies to any character you do not own in your own artwork, links needed.
Unfinished Artworks
Word Count
Literature should be in one of the forms listed: story, poem. Works are subject to bonuses based on grammar/effort.