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The Wishing Tree

The wishing tree is an activity where you can grow your own tree to collect rewards! Please make sure you read this activity thoroughly to earn your drops.

To start, you will need to obtain a Wishing Seed to grow your tree.
Please remember that you can only own/grow one tree.


You will require items to level through the stages to grow your tree.
You can submit a prompt once a day to earn a random item or buy them from Unity's Hoard to grow your tree faster!
You may find it easier to trade for what you need in the discord server with other users.
Requirements for the Daily Wishing Tree Artwork:
Depict your character interacting with your tree at its specific stage of growth. This can be tending for the plant, relaxing with it, singing to it, removing bugs and much more! As long as it has to do with gardening and caring for your Wishing Tree and your character is depicted the daily will apply.  You can even picture them shopping for gardening items!
At least needs to be half-body. flat colored and depicts a type of scenic location or 600words+. 
Drops: Fertilizer, Watering Can, Soil, Trowel, Gloves, Shears

Your drops can be sold for the price listed on the item pages (make a claim to sell unneeded products). 

Planting The Tree

To plant your tree, you must draw a prompt. 
In this prompt one of your characters should be planting the seed/digging in a garden or interacting with the seed in some way.
Minimum requirements are as follows: Must be full coloured with a background showing the setting. The character needs to be a full body.
Enter this artwork under the following prompt: Wishing Tree (Specify this is to plant the seed, not for gardening drops).

You must attach the wishing seed item to turn it into a tree (Character masterlist entry). 
Your tree seed should appear in your character section. They will be level 0. Now you can begin caring for your plant!

Once you have reached the requirements, make a claim with your tree attached and the required items added.
Required to Level Up to 1:
Soil x2
Watering Can x1
400XP in the Tree's Masterlist Bank

To add XP, open the Trees masterlist entry, click bank and add xp to the character!

Drops: Nothing

Level 1


Your plant has now sprouted from the ground and is looking happy and healthy!
At this point, your tree will not drop any fruit. You will need to care for it and grow it to higher levels.
Once you have reached the requirements, make a claim with your tree attached and the required items added.

Once you have reached the below requirements, make a claim with your tree attached and the required items added.
Required to Level Up to 2:
Soil x3
Watering Can x2
Fertilizer x2
1000XP in the Tree's Masterlist Bank

Drops: Nothing

Level 2



Your plant is now starting to grow strong and stable, treat it with love and care!

Once you have reached the below requirements, make a claim with your tree attached and the required items added.
Required to Level Up to 3:
Soil x5
Watering Can x2
Fertilizer x2
Gloves x2
Shears x1
2000XP in the Tree's Masterlist Bank

Drops: 10 Wishing Beans (Every 30 Days)
Records will be kept on the Wishing Tree's achievement section to easily access when your next drop can be claimed.
When you can claim a drop, make a claim and attach your tree. 

Level 3



Wow, look how much your tree has grown! It almost looks full-sized, but there is still much more work to be done. 

Once you have reached the below requirements, make a claim with your tree attached and the required items added.
Required to Level Up to 4:
Soil x10
Watering Can x5
Fertilizer x3
Gloves x3
Shears x2
Trowel x1
4000XP in the Tree's Masterlist Bank
+Special reward: Spiral Gem after leveling up. Make sure to mention this while you are leveling up to 5. 

Drops: 10 Wishing Beans (Every 14 Days)
Records will be kept on the Wishing Tree's achievement section to easily access when your next drop can be claimed.
When you can claim a drop, make a claim and attach your tree. After being upgraded the last claimed chest will be referred to when claiming future chests. 

Level 4

It's is fully grown! You should be proud! 

Drops: 10 Wishing Beans (Every 7 Days)
Records will be kept on the Wishing Tree's achievement section to easily access when your next drop can be claimed.
When you can claim a drop, make a claim and attach your tree. After being upgraded the last claimed chest will be referred to when claiming future chests.