Frequently Asked Questions
Refer to this page if you're looking for an answer to your questions! You may also find your answers on the How To page.
What is Elyxium/Aphex Empire?
Elyxium/Aphex Empire refers to an ARPG based around a collection of unique species driven by community interaction. You can draw, design, and roleplay with your characters and collect various items, pets and designs all within the world of Elyxium. We aim to create a shared creative and safe space to experience world-building with others, using the same lore and design elements to keep consistency and rarity through-out every design.
ARPG refers to an Art Role-playing Game, where you participate by drawing the species of this world and in effect, upgrading your characters and expanding stories. We believe in inclusion in the community, so you can still play non-dependant on skill. We request that users should be 16 of age or gain the approval of guardians to participate as the world may contain mature content.
Are the Species in Elyxium Considered Closed Species?
In the early days of Aphex, we used the term "Closed Species". Throughout the years and with growing experience, we have moved on from these labels and traditional rules to aim for an entirely new and refreshing system. We offer a shared world that is optional to partake in, non-official designs are welcomed as long as species credit is used appropriately. Designs belong to the owners, and traits only need to be abided by in drawings that will be submitted to the game. Our only main rules are to be courteous to the community etiquette and to respect artists and their designs.
How do I get my redesign/MYO approved?
We are now using the website masterlist to carry out MYO approval and redesigns.
You can run a design by a mod if you want it to be looked over before submitting.
If you want a more detailed explanation on HOW to do this on the website, read here.
An item was added that is the same as my Premium trait?
Due to the constant growth of Aphex Collective, we no longer replace premium traits that were added as items later in the game. Such as adding multiple arms as a trait item if your character already has them from a premium trait. We do this as usually, the trait will be as uncommon as a premium and items are added so often that we can no longer ensure that premiums used will not eventually be found in items. The character can always be redesigned if you obtain the corresponding item and swapped out to gain your premium token back.
What can I change on a redesign?
We allow you to slightly change colours or markings on your redesigns.
Your redesign should closely resemble its first form. You can drop traits if need be, and you will receive your tokens back once approved.
If you have upgrade items or specie modifiers, you can add this during the process.
Can I submit a NSFW reference?
We do not allow graphic nudity on the website currently as we do not have the support for filters, so any NSFW references should be covered or have an alt SFW version.
What can I sell?
You can sell any items or characters in the group. Only FTO locked characters can not be transferred until unlocked!
What are the rules on trading?
You can find all up-to-date info about ownership rules here.
What is restricted when making designs?
We ask for you to keep your design civil to keep the spirit of the game. This includes no profanity, negative symbolism or discrimination.
We also do not allow carbon copies of other designs you do not own and copywritten characters.
Can I co-own my Character?
We do allow co-ownership, however only one owner can be the main owner. They will have the power to trade, resell etc.
Co-ownership should be discussed between the two players.
I am missing items/currency/characters.
If you are having any issues with your account, we can fix these for you. Either submit a claim or contact a mod of Discord or DA.
What happens to my characters if I am banned
Your characters will remain under your name until they are traded or voided. You will not be able to accept any new characters.
Is there a cooldown on trading?
We do not currently enforce any cooldown on characters.
What does it mean if a trait on my character says Locked?
Sometimes Mods will lock a trait on a character (Usually adopt) so they can sell it for cheaper without worrying about that character being used to earn trait tokens off it. If a trait Is locked it means you can not redesign it and pull the trait off the character, but only change the type of trait in its rarity if you need.
How do I get an Alt form added to my Character?
If you have an affliction that grants an alternative form, you can apply with a claim with the image attached and the character to get the form approved. Some items like werewolf scratch etc allow this visual form to be added which can earn AC when submitted. Some forms may be rejected or reduced to avoid the use of exploits. These are usually highly simplified designs, small designs or forms too close to other closed species (without approval).
If your affliction has multiple forms like "can turn into animals" 1-3 forms can be submitted as this is a critical affliction. These need to be existing or extinct animals (Nothing made-up or mythical).
If your affliction relies on Elyxium closed species forms (Etc cloning others, resembling other approved characters or parts of them) then you do not need to submit an alt form, these are counted as pre-approved since the designs are already resembling existing characters or forms.
Can I have a "past life" Xeode form?
We now allow Xeodes to have past or alt forms. These are restricted to one (1) Aphex or Dephx and must follow the rules below to be accepted.
- Must share similar colours to the Xeode form.
- Must share same trait rarities as the Xeode form. These can be interchanged to different traits but should keep the same rarity or below. You can add traits to one another form by having them listed on the Xeode. For example, if you want large wings on the Aphex form but NOT the Xeode, you will need one rare trait added to the Xeode listed as (Large Wings|Rare (Aphex Form). Make sure to send in an updated visual through a claim for the alt form. This applies to any body modifications (Excluding subspecies) and afflictions.
- Subspecies can be used on the Aphex or Dephx forms but do NOT give stat changes. These also do not include Defect or Phynix subspecies.
Can I have a human or animal Toto form?
Due to the vast options for animals. animal forms are not yet currently allowed for AC. Human forms (1) for Totos are allowed and can be submitted anytime. Please follow the below outline to ensure they meet the requirements.
- The human form needs to clearly be derived from the Toto (palette wise).
- Traits on the Toto is allowed on the human version, but the human version CAN NOT have traits the Toto doesn't.
- The human can have direct features from the Toto, like hooved feet if they are a horse etc.
- The human version can be clothed or not clothed, furred or scaled etc. NSFW areas should be covered for masterlist entries.
- The human form can have its Toto feet, ears or tail but the rest should be humanoid in anatomy.
What should I include when submitting my artwork?
We now have a AC calculator you can easily use to figure your earnings. We request that you include your math/tiers when submitting prompts so we can proofread.
Can I submit NSFW artworks/written works?
You are allowed to submit these types only if they do not depict any illegal activities. You must be 18+ to submit any artworks with adult content, and clearly state a warning of the content for mods so they know what type of artwork they are processing. It is also advised to not share any NSFW work subjects in the Discord, only in allocated communities. Gore is okay to be submitted but should still have trigger warnings. You should be 16+ to submit intense gore imagery.
What if my artwork doesn't fall under a tier?
Sometimes artworks won't fall under one of our common tiers, if this is the case, please message a mod or comment so on your prompt submission and we will work out a reasonable amount for you.
How do i properly classify the frame of my artwork?
You can use this little sheet to help get a grasp!
What are the limits on using our characters lore-wise?
We do not restrict how you use your characters at all! You can draw them in any universe and with any other characters. You can use them however you'd like, but when submitting official artworks for prompts and events, we ask that you follow the lore of the species. This means only using the afflictions you have unlocked on your character and their official design. You are free to interpret the world however you'd like.
Can you use the same affliction on my character multiple times?
Every affliction can be applied once per character including ones with stat additions unless they specify otherwise.
What may cause a user to be banned?
There are a number of issues that may cause a member to be banned. Small offences may be carried through with a three-strike system, while larger offences may cause an immediate ban.
Offences that can result in banning include -
- Harassing other members of the group.
- Scamming users.
- Offbranding or stealing specie designs or/ being involved in offbranding.
- Lying and/or creating false evidence for exploits within the group.
- Abusing exploits knowingly.
- Issuing chargebacks without appropriate reason.
- Theft of intellectual property.
How do I change my username?
To change your username, you need to inform a mod and they can update it for you! It is mostly advised to make a ticket on the Discord or to directly message a mod.
Does boosting the server earn any rewards?
We are now granting rewards for those who boost our sever. These rewards are given at the start of every month alongside Patreon rewards.
This Bundle includes: Trait Token Box and 5 Shards!