Site News
Elyxium in 2024!
Posted 6 January 2024, 13:02:45 UTC :: Last edited 6 January 2024, 13:03:35 UTC by Cryptickoi
Happy New Year everyone!
We hope that you had a great holiday and we are excited to share another year of Elyxium with you all! We'd love to go over last year's goals, and our plans for 2024,
2023 Recap
2023 was a tough year for Elyxium's development. We focused heavily at the mid to end of the year on improvements to our website and new features that required a developer. We had screened and hired many potential developers for the position and had sunk in a substantial amount of what felt like little to no improvement. We were left with little choice but to disband the idea of an outsourced developer and turn to internal work on the website. This left us very un-motivated about the lack of movement on our updates but during November we decided to upskill ourselves to solve this issue. Hex is proud to announce he is undergoing a PHP course while I focus on CSS/HTML, and assistance with PHP but I will be focusing my efforts on assets for when we are ready to work on new extensions.
2024 - Now that the new year is here, we plan to continue our training, and focus our efforts on improving our game to the vision we have of a collaborative world of lore-building, character creation, and fantasy. Mechanics, lore, species, and much more will undergo drastic updates and changes to fit our vision, but we will do our best to keep user's characters, traits, and items as true to their old mechanics as possible. In the next week, we plan to release a content schedule for our Kofi supporters about content deadlines to keep us on track and keep users informed of our progress! Once again, we thank everyone for their patience! We are a two-man team trying to create our passion project, any and all support means the absolute world to us, we are reminded every day of what a wonderful community we have built over these years.
~ Koi
Halloween Event!
Posted 10 October 2023, 15:21:40 UTC :: Last edited 10 October 2023, 15:21:40 UTC by CryptickoiArt Fight 2023
Posted 2 July 2023, 13:29:34 UTC :: Last edited 2 July 2023, 13:29:34 UTC by CryptickoiArtfight 2023 is here!
In conjunction with 2023's Artfight, Elyxium is hosting its annual gift art rewards based on this year's teams- Vampires and Werewolves!
Net yourself some sweet rewards by submitting your Elyxium art from Artfight to progress along the rewards ladder. Click the image above for more info!
Easter Event + More!
Posted 9 April 2023, 09:30:13 UTC :: Last edited 9 April 2023, 09:30:50 UTC by Cryptickoi
Welcome to the mini Easter Event 2023!
We have a bunch of exciting news! So read below to find out everything coming this April!
Easter Mini Event
A new prompt is open "Easter Event 2023" until 23rd April.
Submissions for this Prompt will enter you into the below raffle designs, you may specify which designs you'd like to apply for, or apply for all for a higher chance! Rules below
Easter Prompt Guide: April, the Month of Navian
Easter, or the beginning of April is an important time for many Elyxians. Some still keep alive the memory of the old faith, and celebrate this time in a more traditional way, while others spend the two weeks creating and gifting to the seasonal god. April is a special month where beings celebrate the fascination and beauty of new life. Seeds are planted and any new hatchlings are treated with special attention during this month. Aside from the more spiritual celebrations, human traditions are still conducted during this month, allowing for a large range of activities to bring Elyxians together in celebration! Navian is the named god of creation, or more humbly, a diety that has been seen nurturing and protecting the lost, delivering them to safety during the night. It is told that leaving a painted egg filled with sand outside overnight during April will ensure Navian brings good health and prosperity upon your household.
Below are just an example of events you can include your character doing to celebrate:
Easter Egg Hunting.
Egg collecting.
Festive Baking.
Easter Clothing/Costumes.
Looking after young/hatchlings.
Celebrating the above with Hatchlings.
Offering to Navian, the deity of creation.
and much more!
Two Entries max per person. This is two tickets! Leave a specification if you'd like to enter for a certain design.
Max of 3 characters per submission. At least half body, flat colour needed, picturing an activity above.
Each submission (x2) will earn 1.5x Ac!
A ticket into the following designs. Numbered 1-6
Other Content
The Gemini Fields have been added to the foraging activity! This means new items and a full set of Glass Sirens to collect!

Ethrens have new lore and anatomy added to suite the world of Elyxuim! As per usual rules, any MYOs bought before this reveal can be used as old Ethrens, or new-gen Ethrens. Tarot lore is no longer canon but can be referred to as afflictions if used in Elyxium. You can swap to a new gen Ethren at any time, but you can not switch back!
Traits can be swapped within rarities!
Adopt/Affliction Changes
Posted 19 January 2023, 02:28:17 UTC :: Last edited 19 January 2023, 02:28:17 UTC by CryptickoiMorning everyone!
Two semi-important updates for this post.
Adoption Center
Welcome back to the adoption center! We have added an extension that allows our adopts to be purchased straight from the website with in-game currency instead of making claims. Since these are live sales (FCFS), we will try our best to keep it stocked as much as we can! Any characters in Shards can also be bought or partially paid for in USD through me (Unless stated otherwise). For now I have stocked it with designs I have held onto for awhile, but I am planning to make a larger batch of chibis soon!
Changes to Affliction Items
We are pushing a new mechanic of adding afflictions to characters. To make it easier for the user, you now can add your afflictions straight away to your desired character through the inventory menu on their Masterlist page. This will show your items in the affliction section. Stat buffs will only apply when you make artworks that require them (just mentioning the buffs if needed) since adding items does not update your stats live. More info here If you'd like to transition to this new system, make a claim! Be aware if you have items attached in the text section with stat buffs, stats will be removed from the character's main stat list upon conversion. You do not need to update to the new system to use your afflictions, and can still apply items from now on as the affliction text area is still valid for custom afflictions. This update not only makes it easier to add items whenever you'd like, but means we can update their description and attributes in real-time!
Update Blog + New Year
Posted 15 January 2023, 10:20:25 UTC :: Last edited 15 January 2023, 10:20:25 UTC by CryptickoiWelcome to our New Year update blog!
This is meant to be informative and transparent with our future implementations and changes for Aphex Collective! I have separated the sections below for quick reading depending on what interests you the most.
New and Upcoming Content
We have quite a few different projects in the work for new content, such as many species sheets 50% complete, lore re-written ready to be pushed, and our interactive stories in the middle of being finished off and polished. We also have 3 site extensions that we are ironing out the bugs, which will be hopefully accessible in the future (more below).
We have just pushed our newest species visual update, which is Dephx! This is visual, and the info will be refined in the coming days.
The extensions we are applying to the website are as follows
Purchasable characters with AC through the website
We are in the process of hiring a new coder to implement these changes! More about these updates will be announced once pushed. We may need to close our submissions to allow these pushes, so downtimes will be announced.
QoL Updates
Our main focus along with updated visuals will be QoL updates! I would like to eliminate the amount of claims users must make to manage their own characters and inventory, so these mechanics will be at the top of our list to improve your experience on our website. Once these updates are pushed, it allows us more time to work on the content that matters, These are not limited to; attaching pets to your characters, adding afflictions, adding relations, and adding companions.
These features are our main focus going into 2023, but we have much more planned for the game!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask on our Discord, or Da.
Toto Event + MYO
Posted 5 December 2022, 13:46:46 UTC :: Last edited 5 December 2022, 13:46:46 UTC by CryptickoiCompanion Updates
Posted 28 November 2022, 07:02:23 UTC :: Last edited 28 November 2022, 07:02:23 UTC by CryptickoiAfternoon Everyone, we hope you are doing well!
We have some updates involving how companions will work in the game, please read below the specific changes we have made.
Companion Tab and Card
The companion tab now functions and your companions can now be linked and tracked on your Elyxian character. To link, you can either use a Moonflower, or draw an artwork of the two. More info here. Users who have a companion linked with the old system can keep the old mechanics, but this means it will not be compatible with the new features. Stats will be a permanent buff for old links, but with the new system, the two characters must be drawn together for buffs.
Bond Points
Bond points have been reworked. They can be passively gained with XP when the two characters are drawn together. This is with the intention to grow their relationship through progression, rather than an alternative XP ladder.
Tack and gear will soon be introduced to allow specific buffs for your companion and/or linked Elyxian. More info coming soon.
Some may notice two new categories, Unique and Purebred. Uniques are myos that exist currently and are not affected by any changes. Purebreds will be soon introduced into the game as game assets, or easier methods to gain mounts that are not individually unique (you will be able to customize their designs once purchased). Purebreds will be accessible with in-game currency (Blessed Coins and Art Coins). You may also be able to obtain these designs through quests and other activities. The cost will vary on their canon rarity. More coming soon!
The companion training page will now be your new landing page for everything in involving companions! It will be updated as new mechanics are revealed.
Haunted House Now Open
Posted 7 October 2022, 03:29:40 UTC :: Last edited 7 October 2022, 03:29:40 UTC by CryptickoiHaunted Eve is Here!
Posted 26 September 2022, 11:04:28 UTC :: Last edited 26 September 2022, 11:04:28 UTC by CryptickoiWelcome one and all to our annual Haunted Eve Event!
We have a bunch of new items this year, as well as some secrets for the month of October, so keep tuned for extra content! In the meantime we have some new items you can earn right away, along with a bunch of new spooky versions of existing pets to collect. Click the banner above to read more about the event.