Flame Foot

Resell Price: 80

Category: Afflictions

Rarity: Legend:


Compatibility: All Main Species + Licensed Species
Affliction Item:
Alert Affliction Item: Flame Foot
An affliction formed in beings of strong emotion or intent. This curse forms on the legs of the victim, turning them black and ashen. The paw pads (if applicable) glow and become warm to the touch. Footprints faintly glow. When the user is experiencing strong emotions, the feet of the user becomes enflamed with a fire that can not harm themselves, but others. Footsteps in this state leave patches of fire, that only extinguish when the user has calmed down. 


Considered a very common cursed affliction, this ability manifests in beings with strong emotions or trauma. This is only possible when the being is around objects or places of strong magical essence, primarily The Harrow. Just like an illness, this affliction slowly starts to appear on the user's feet, often at times only considered a normal affliction until other symptoms occur. The victim may see visions or hallucinations made of ash or fire that can trigger them into entering this "emotional" state.