Item Categories


Characters can own items in this category, as well as name them!

To add an affliction item, go to your Character, on the side panel under INVENTORY. 
Choose which afflictions you'd like to apply, and add them to the character.
For custom afflictions, make a claim with its description and it will be added. 

You can only have one item affliction per character of the same item. 

Illnesses and Curses

Characters can own items in this category!


Common (C)
Uncommon (U)
Rare (R)
Ultra Rare (UR)
Exotic (E)

Premium (UR-P)
Premium pet rarity is a rarity given to those pets that have been commissioned and added to the pet pool. 
These pets are graded as Ultra Rares.

Premium (E-P)
Premium pet rarity is a rarity given to those pets that have been commissioned and added to the pet pool. 
These pets are graded as Exotic.

16 results found.