Ichor of the Fallen God

Resell Price: 100

Category: Afflictions

Rarity: Legend:


Compatibility: All Main Species + Licensed Species
Affliction Item:
Alert Affliction Item: Ichor of the Fallen God
The user's blood is replaced with a dark, ink-like fluid. Upon injury, or under stressful situations the user will secrete this black blood from their skin, allowing for a range of abilities. Abilities are randomly gained upon gaining this affliction, but would be one of the following- 
Blood can shift into weapons
Blood can shapeshift into appendages
Blood can absorb the energy of those it touches (non lethal)
Blood can cover the user's body and grant immense strength and speed
Eyes (Or head if eyeless) become black or masked by the blood. The body temporeraily gains exceptional fighting abilities and super-awareness. 

Supposedly blood from a fallen Diety lost to the sands of time or supposedly buried with the forgotten to rot. All that remains are his faithful companions, those who have willingly (or not) come in contact with his blood, and gained unique powers, but everything comes with a cost...