Blacklight Mask

Resell Price: 50

Category: Afflictions

Rarity: Rare:


Compatibility: All Mains +Companions +Licensed Species
Type Type: 
Tame Affliction: Blacklight Mask

Grants an Alt palette of a single form (only) in a blacklight version. 

The blacklight version must be an exact copy of the main image with an alternative colour palette under darkness or blacklights. The base coat must be a dark colour with high saturated accents (doesn't need to copy the markings of the normal image). Glowing markings is not required to use this item.
This second image can be added to the main image (side by side) by submitting a redesign or add the image separately to the character's gallery by making a claim. 

A mask that shows unique markings under a blacklight. It is not advised to put this mask on.