Glass Shell

Resell Price: 150

Category: Physical Alterations

Rarity: Legend:


Compatibility: Aphex
Transforms an Aphex into a Trajen

A beautiful shell made of glass and pretty stones. The inside seems to be hollow, none-the-less, it feels very light and smooth. If broken by an Aphex, they are transformed into a Trajen. A beautiful mist spills from the shattered glass, a bluish-green, sparkling, and smells of the sea.

To use this item, edit/redraw the image of your character and submit it as a redesign with this item attached.
When using specie or body modifiers (Specie items or body shape traits/items) any traits that can not be used should be changed into another trait of that tier. If you dont use it, the trait may be lost if it is not claimed.

Uses: Turns an Aphex into a Trajen