Pygmy Rihog (E1)

Resell Price: 100

Category: Pets

Rarity: Exotic:


Species Name: Pygmy Rihog
Set: Pygmy
Rarity: Exotic

This Pygmy Rihog, at first glance, is not too disimilar to its fellow Pygmies, it disguises itself as a calf, but in a herd of Abberant Rihogs. where it really differs though, is the flowers decorating its back; They are said to have a scent that can Illicit feelings of playfulness and joy, leading to rihog calves spending more time around it than other pygmies, making its disguise all the more effective.

Pygmy Rihogs use their small stature to hide amongst Rihog herds, disguising themselves as calves. They are relatively harmless and use these herds to scare off potential predators. They are popular pets to collectors but are advised to be kept in at least groups of 3.