Pygmy Bhasin (E1)

Resell Price: 100

Category: Pets

Rarity: Exotic:


Species Name: Pygmy Bhasin
Set: Pygmy
Rarity: Exotic
This Pygmy has displayed abberant behaviour in comparison to others of its kind, instead of sweet nectar and colourful plants, this Pygmy Bhasin has opted to consume the rough plantlife of the desert, The juice of various Cacti and succulents not only giving it its unique palette but even going as far as changing its physiology into something more suited for the harsh climate.

Pygmy Bhasin have earned their name by mimicking their cousin species, Bhasin. Pygmys Bhasin are usually far more colorful and only reach sizes of 30cm-50cm. They hide amongst colorful foilage and feast upon the sweet nectar and insects of the plants. The type of nectar they consume influences the colorful patterns of their scales.