The Design Store

Looking for MYOs? This is the store for you!
This store is subject to change in prices and limits anytime.
Aphex MYO
Cost: 400 

Cyphon (Blessed) MYO
Cost: 550 

Cyphon (Cursed) MYO
Cost: 550 

Dephx MYO
Cost: 400 

Trait Upgrades
Physical Alterations
Afflicted Soul Seed
Cost: 300 

Ancient Crest
Cost: 350 

Ancient Offering
Cost: 300 

Centeer Poison
Cost: 350 

Breeding Items
Common Main Species Egg
Cost: 350 

Fancy Main Species Egg
Cost: 500 

Glowstone Fossil
Cost: 250 

Lucky Charm
Cost: 200 

Magic Miracle
Cost: 150 

Uridae Nymph
Cost: 250 

Vikai Egg
Cost: 250 

Other Specie Items
Companion Redesign
Cost: 50 

Stardust Concoction
Cost: 100