Gamecube's Item Logs

Sender Recipient Item Log Date
Gamecube + Shapeshifter Arms (×1) Shop Purchase (Purchased from The General Store by Gamecube for 190 Aphex Coins.) 23 April 2021, 14:07:28 UTC
Gamecube InsaineMembrane - Kitter (R1) (×1) User Transfer 23 April 2021, 13:58:13 UTC
Gamecube InsaineMembrane - Enchanted Black Rose (×1) User Transfer 23 April 2021, 13:49:39 UTC
Cryptickoi Gamecube + Permanent Affliction Contract (Alert) (×1) Claim Rewards (Received rewards for claim (#2900)) 23 April 2021, 12:15:19 UTC
Cryptickoi Gamecube + Kitter (R1) (×1) Prompt Rewards (Received rewards for submission (#2892)) 23 April 2021, 12:07:13 UTC
Cryptickoi Gamecube + Jade Fragment (×3) Prompt Rewards (Received rewards for submission (#2892)) 23 April 2021, 12:07:13 UTC
Gamecube - Rexi (R1) (×1) Claim Approved (Item used in submission (#2899)) 23 April 2021, 11:20:48 UTC
Gamecube - Kitter (C4) (×1) Claim Approved (Item used in submission (#2899)) 23 April 2021, 11:20:48 UTC
Gamecube - Flashkite Gecko (×1) Claim Approved (Item used in submission (#2899)) 23 April 2021, 11:20:48 UTC
Gamecube Admin - Padded Shoes (×1) User Transfer 22 April 2021, 22:24:55 UTC
Gamecube Cake-a-Tron - Karmil (R1) (×1) User Transfer 22 April 2021, 21:48:29 UTC
Gamecube Cake-a-Tron - Karmil (U1) (×1) User Transfer 22 April 2021, 21:48:01 UTC
Gamecube Cake-a-Tron - Karmil (U2) (×1) User Transfer 22 April 2021, 21:47:18 UTC
Dorkestdoodles Gamecube + Karmil (U2) (×1) User Transfer 22 April 2021, 21:32:18 UTC
Dorkestdoodles Gamecube + Karmil (U1) (×1) User Transfer 22 April 2021, 21:31:56 UTC
Dorkestdoodles Gamecube + Karmil (R1) (×1) User Transfer 22 April 2021, 21:31:27 UTC
Gamecube Cake-a-Tron - Glowing Mushroom (×3) User Transfer 22 April 2021, 13:17:12 UTC
Cryptickoi Gamecube + Premium Upgrade Token (×1) Staff Grant 22 April 2021, 12:54:25 UTC
Cryptickoi Gamecube + Rexi (R1) (×1) Prompt Rewards (Received rewards for submission (#2872)) 22 April 2021, 12:03:57 UTC
Cryptickoi Gamecube + Glowing Mushroom (×3) Prompt Rewards (Received rewards for submission (#2872)) 22 April 2021, 12:03:57 UTC
Gamecube - Four Leaf Clover (×1) Prompt Approved (Item used in submission (#2872)) 22 April 2021, 12:03:57 UTC
Cryptickoi Gamecube + Kitter (C4) (×1) Prompt Rewards (Received rewards for submission (#2871)) 22 April 2021, 12:02:57 UTC
Cryptickoi Gamecube + Flashkite Gecko (×1) Prompt Rewards (Received rewards for submission (#2871)) 22 April 2021, 12:02:57 UTC
Gamecube + Padded Shoes (×1) Shop Purchase (Purchased from The Black-market by Gamecube for 25 Aphex Coins.) 22 April 2021, 11:50:27 UTC
Gamecube - Permanent Affliction Contract (Alert) (×1) Staff Deleted (Deleted by Cryptickoi) 22 April 2021, 09:48:07 UTC
Gamecube - Polished Lapis (×1) Claim Approved (Item used in submission (#2884)) 22 April 2021, 09:43:32 UTC
Gamecube - Jade Fragment (×3) Claim Approved (Item used in submission (#2884)) 22 April 2021, 09:43:32 UTC
Gamecube - Snapper (C4) (×1) Claim Approved (Item used in submission (#2884)) 22 April 2021, 09:43:31 UTC
Gamecube - Kuvine (C1) (×1) Claim Approved (Item used in submission (#2884)) 22 April 2021, 09:43:31 UTC
Gamecube - Broilin (C3) (×1) Claim Approved (Item used in submission (#2884)) 22 April 2021, 09:43:31 UTC