624057848f3f2.thumb.png.3b40d34bb4b0248d7af5eb4d22260740.pngSever Booster Rewards624057848f3f2.thumb.png.3b40d34bb4b0248d7af5eb4d22260740.png

We thank those for supporting or boosting our server, and offer rewards monthly to our server boosters! We now have a new method to claim your rewards so that you receive them on time, and for each boost you have given. Every month our reward chests are randomized with a new currency and item/box inside! Please follow the instructions below to claim your reward chests. 

Claiming Chests

To claim your rewards, please make a CLAIM and attach the following-
A screenshot as below found in your Discord account settings, under Server Boost.
We give rewards based on the day you have boosted. For example, on the 9th of every month you can claim your rewards based on the booster below.
If you have multiple boosts. you can apply for them all at once when they are +month old, or for when each has relapsed. 
You can only claim your rewards once your boost is at least a month old. If you have recently boosted you must wait for this cooldown. We credit our rewards for each monthly boost given! 
