Toxicas Licania Infection

The Devil's Kin

  • Toxicas Licania

    Toxicas Licania or Lica/TL are small parasites no larger than the palm of your hand. They mimic insects and slugs to appear harmless so they may hunt their prey untouched. Licas are parasitic worms that live off organic animal hosts. Once eaten by a larger animal they bury in the brain where they survive off a steady blood flow. When taking a host, they alter the interior anatomy for protection and hunting purposes. The host will then live off the flesh of other animals to survive and to keep the parasite alive. While smaller animals become completely controlled by this desire to hunt, larger beings (listed as compatible) can function as semi-normal without their minds being altered, only possessing an unusual hunger for flesh. 
    When a larger being has been infected it will experience hunger for flesh despite whether the being is a herbivore or if they have a mouth or not. They can control their own thoughts if not starved and can hide this infection from others if they are careful. The user will be able to control their body and can take advantage of the parasite's powers once fully aware of its state. While the parasite isn't know to communicate directly to the host, thoughts such for survival can be translated into the host's body, and thus can manipulate the body if it is in iminimt danger. 

    The parasite only reproduces when not inside a host, this usually occurs before infestation, or after the host has died. Lica are genderless and can reproduce without a partner, meaning the species can thrive in desolate areas. 


    Lica parasites do a number of changes to their host's body. The transition always begins with a feeling of discomfort and high temperatures while the host's cells are replaced with the parasite's poison. Once the body has been completely overtaken the host will suffer a hunger only for the fresh flesh of animals and organic creatures. Their body will be able to split apart and rapidly adapt to hunt, fight, or survive even the harshest of conditions. It is quite difficult to kill an infected host, as their bodies often manipulate in extreme ways to avoid danger. 

    • The Rot

      It is widely speculated that Lica parasites originate from The Rot, and thus when inside a host, the host's mind is then linked to the hivemind of other Rot species. This does not allow them to be controlled, but other species of the Rot will no longer attack victims of this infection unprovoked. Lica parasites have not yet been recorded infecting a species of the Rot. 

  • Body Horror