The Rosella
Those who reside inside the Diamond Caves have not caught many glimpses of the Rosellas form, only the vibrant colours of her plumage through the countless reflections that are carried through the cave system's walls. Any beings that wander too close to the Queens den without permission are met with a dead-end or a swift death, as the rumour goes. The Rosella Queen does not enjoy company and remains hidden far out of reach of her people. Those that still offer their loyalty to the queen are said to be allowed passage to her domain to offer food and gifts, only if they give up their gift of sight momentarily.
Known Abilities
The ability to take another's sight for a brief moment (alert). -
The Diamond Caves
The Diamond Caves is the name given for a massive system of caves within a crystal formation. It is not made of diamonds itself, but sturdy quartz that reflects the light like a mirror. This cave system runs deep into the earth, allowing for many different sections of the district to reside. Those that live inside this system carve most of their dens out of the crystal and manipulate the water that flows through the earth to sustain any vegetation. Due to the crystal's ability to reflect light, this system can influence its rays to light up its deepest depths.
The Diamond Caves does not sustain much technology, but it is more a spiritual-based district for those looking to enhance their power or to better understand themselves. There is no limit on species or abilities within the caves, and those who inhabit it are to be respectful to their neighbours and most of all, their Queen. It is a very free-living district and is hidden away from the outside world's influences. -
District Scenery
The below images are just an aesthetic example of the city/district. Images belong to credited sources.