
The Heron King of Ohaso

Aka: The Game Master

  • The Heron King

    The Heron King, or more commonly known, the Game Master, is the current ruler of Ohaso, and has ruled its district for hundreds of years. After so much time of leadership, the King has turned to a more lucrative entertainment-based economy to pass his endless days, Games, competitions and deals are what the Heron King is known for, most of which usually have some sort of twisted repercussion for the losers. It is commonly known to never make a deal with the Heron King unless you have absolutely nothing to lose. 

    Personality-wise, the King is proud and cunning but moves with grace and wisdom from his hundreds of years on this Earth. He is charming, which fools many unsuspecting souls to trust his words, and unfortunately, his games. He is not completely heartless however, he much more enjoys his victim's reactions rather than any profit he can gain, and will often offer second chances to only prolong his own enjoyment. 

    Known Abilities
    The Heron King is known to hold the ability to create objects made of the same star material half his body is covered in and gold. He uses this commonly to create game pieces like dice, cards, boards etc. (Critical)
    Aside from creating, he can also absorb others' magic when they lose a game to increase his own abilities. (Critical)
    The Game Master is of the Wheel Of Fortune arcana and can influence slightly the luck of those around him.

  • Relations

    • None


    • None


    • None
