
The Cassowary King of the Fallen Empire

Name: TBA

  • The Cassowary King

    The Cassowary king was a mysterious and discrete king that ruled over his people in the hidden city of Ashuta, located in the mountain of Ever rest. This hidden city was focused on giving refuge to Dephx, allowing them to be educated where many other districts would turn them away.  They were educated on all topics and even created new inventions to share with the world, but many of their creations were turned down based on the creator's species. After decades of mistreatment by many other districts, the people of Ashuta refused to allow Aphex on their lands and skies which caused tension between the cities. 

    The empires of Ashborne, Norwich and Yellowseed banded their best hunters together and sent their army to wipe out the city, successfully causing the downfall of the Cassowary empire. 

  • Relations
