Claim (#7884) Approved

28 November 2023, 13:16:27 UTC (1 year ago)
17 December 2023, 18:36:19 UTC (1 year ago) by Hexomaniac


I'd like to use the Permanent Affliction Contract (Tame) I have and I hope I'm doing this right-

I'd like the affliction to be light particles floating around the character that emit a faint light and can be 'turned on/off'.
The description would be something like "The user is surrounded by floating light particles that emit a faint light. They can be summoned or dissolved at will" if that is something that is needed.

I've also added the character I want to add the affliction to just in case this is also needed-

Thank you!


Reward Amount


TOTO-2147: Nightvalley

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the claimant's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Permanent Affliction Contract (Tame) Purchased from The Black-market by YukiTheScaredycat for 300 Art Coins. Purchased 26 November 2023, 18:24:23 UTC 1

YukiTheScaredycat's Bank

Currency Quantity