Claim (#5865) Approved

22 February 2022, 19:43:30 UTC (2 years ago)
23 February 2022, 19:43:58 UTC (2 years ago) by Goth


Atlas was just approved (request #977) but it seems his affliction items were not added. It may be because I didn't mention them in the comments, but I wasn't sure if that was necessary or not. Either way though, the basilisk blood and metal elemental stone were taken from my inventory but are not listed on his page anywhere, only his tame xeode affliction is listed.
Sidenote, I do not have an image yet for the basilisk form, but I wanted it on him for now.


Reward Amount


XODE-1959: Atlas

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the claimant's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

CryptidPossum's Bank

Currency Quantity