Claim (#2683) Approved

3 April 2021, 16:06:39 UTC (3 years ago)
3 April 2021, 20:10:03 UTC (3 years ago) by Goth


critical affliction: eldritch horror
Can morph into an eldritch horror form, depending on the sanity of those around him, the more unstable someone is the worse this form will appear.
he can grow extra limbs, eyes, mouths, etc and turn limbs into long blades and claws. teeth and spikes become significantly sharper

was approved by koi in disc dms ;v,


Reward Amount


APHX-1375: Rapha

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the claimant's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Permanent Affliction Contract (Critical) Purchased from The General Store by Vee for 500 Aphex Coins. Purchased 19 March 2021, 13:56:16 UTC 1

Abyss-Enigma's Bank

Currency Quantity